Get it now
Create your account, get the extension and start exporting contacts within 4 minutes !
LinkedIn profiles in 1 click Scan profiles faster
Export in 1 click to Google Sheets
Collaborate with your team
- with no risk for your account -
Give Linkapture a list of keywords, and they will be highlighted on every profile you visit - as if you had hit ctrl+f on each.
Know what all these companies listed on linkedin profiles are doing
If someone is already in your list, you'll see it rightaway
Forget copypasting - get the full content of a profile saved to a google spreadsheet in one click
Sync your leads to the same spreadsheet to facilitate monitoring and automation
Work the same target personas without having to worry about contacting the same person your teammate just did
- Use google spreadsheet permissions to manage access
- OR use our special protected spreadsheets : users can feed profiles into the spreadsheet but cannot edit or even view it
Create your account, get the extension and start exporting contacts within 4 minutes !